Strong Enough to Know Your Weakness
There's a great article that I came across recently by Michael Hartsfield about the power of community in the workplace. He brought up...
Tools for Innovation
In our contemporary world, information now literally travels at the speed of light. Not only do we have the ability to tap into news and...
The Virus of Positivity
In a recent article by Dr. Sherrie Bourg Carter, Psy.D., in Psychology Today, researchers published findings that "each additional happy...
Sharing Information to Your Advantage
Your leadership style plays a big role in how you communicate. Authoritative, commanding and pace-setting leadership styles, as defined...
Policies and Personality Types
What are the personalities and priorities of your team members? Is it important to a majority of your people to have freedome to be...
Are You A Controlling Leader?
A leadership style that is controlling creates a toxic, minimally productive workplace. The danger of controlling leadership is that an...
Leadership Takes Skill
Leadership assignments, though highly sought after, often result in failure. In fact, according to recent data from @DDIWorld, 33% of...
Planting Seeds to Say, "Yes!"
Any boss can say yes or no. Leaders say, "Yes!" Great leaders say "yes" more often. Does that mean that to be a great leader you...