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The Importance of Good News

Promoting Good News

Many of you may know that I recently launched a new radio show on Saturday mornings called Tess Talk! This was a very exciting and important moment in my life professionally, as it was giving me a wider audience, but it had a profound effect on me personally as well, and it's this that I would like to share in this particular blog post.

Throughout my life, I've always tried to see the glass half-full. Throughout my career and motherhood, I made every attempt, even during difficult times, to see the good news in a situation, to see the "silver lining," and to find something to laugh about in almost every situation. While life is a balancing act of physical health, eating right, exercise, personal development, continuing education, personal relationships, (the list goes on and on), the one constant in my life has been my endeavor to try to see the good and the positive despite circumstances and difficulties.

Having said this, when the opportunity was offered to me to host a radio show, to develop a format, manage guests, co-hosts, sponsors and the like, it was a confirmation of the importance of the value I've placed on positive thinking throughout my life. I was being offered the opportunity to reach many, many, many more people with the "silver linings" of this world, the good news and the positive things that are going on all around us each day. This opportunity brought a degree of personal affirmation to me that there really is power and value in positive thinking, and it's not just playing at Pollyanna.

The theme of Tess Talk! is good news. The world needs good news! People need to hear about all the good and wonderful events, organizations, works, and individuals that are living quiet, private lives, and yet making a huge difference in their small corners of the world to make our world kinder, more inclusive, more accepting, more gentle, and more beautiful! What a wonderful opportunity I have as a single individual, to be able to give a stage and a platform to so much GOOD NEWS! How blessed I feel to be on this journey, and to develop this program for the benefit (I hope) of all my listeners. I'm just so thankful, and I feel so blessed to be able to try to make some small difference in the world by bringing the spotlight on the good and positive things going on around us, and by drawing attention to the GOOD NEWS of how we are all helping each other in big and small ways.

I hope that you will join me on Saturday mornings. I hope that you will enjoy this journey together. I hope that you will come along, invite others, and help me spread the GOOD NEWS of Tess Talk!

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